Growing your ministry Eps #184

Growing your ministry Eps #184

Growing your ministry Eps #184 community an interview with Leedah Wong  and his journey..

Unlock the true potential of your ministry and foster a thriving community with insights from Leedah Wong’s transformative journey.

Hear his story..

Discover how his divine encounter redefined his purpose and led him towards a different path. Leverage his experiences to inspire and empower your own congregation, as you cultivate a vibrant ministry that positively impacts lives. Leedah had plans to start his own church.  God interrupted him and gave him another plan.

Can also listen in to him on Spotify.

Please share and leave us a comment on Youtube…after watching it.

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Mari-Lyn Harris

Mari-Lyn Harris is the power behind Kindness@Work Business Conferences. The keynote speakers are selected from their accomplishments as experienced business owners but also outside of the business world. By contributing their own time they bring more kindness to the world itself in a very big way. Contact us if you're ready to make a difference in your life and business because Kindness Does Matter...

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